
Welcome to Big Green Analytics!

I’m Zack Gottesman, a master’s student in Computer Science at Dartmouth College and the host of this blog. This site is primarily a space to feature writing about sports analytics from the perspective of students (i.e. non-professionals). There may also be content about general statistics or non-technical sports analysis.

BGA started with R markdown on 6/13/22 with a plan to do the site with my brother, Gabe, and call it “the stat sheet” (for some reason). The first post I wrote was about the impact of cold weather on football. The initial, now-defunct site used the hugo lithium theme for blogdown.

The site’s title pays homage to the Dartmouth mascot (the Big Green) since most of the content will be from Dartmouth-affiliated writers.

Below you can find links to my personal accounts. Please reach out!